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Get started with MyHome

MyHome – a company you can trust

Best Staff – highly trained

Trustworthy – all staff fully vetted

Customer Service – brilliantly clean windows

Guaranteed Results – complete satisfaction

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MyHome Window Cleaning - Window Cleaning Services – Taking care of your chores Call 13 22 31

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Privacy Policy

MyHome respects the Guidelines suggested by the Australian Direct Marketing Association, in its Code of Practice for Consumer Protection in ecommerce.

We also abide by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P). This policy is emerging as an industry standard providing a simple, automated way for users to gain more control over the use of personal information on web sites they visit.

In line with those guidelines, MyHome would like you to be aware of the information we collect to provide your service. We do not provide third parties with access to your personal data, with the obvious exception of third party business partners such as our franchise partners.

Information collected by MyHome

Your contact information, including named individuals for administration, technical and billing issues. This information may include telephone, fax numbers and email addresses

Information about what services you have ordered from MyHome:

  • Information about what services you have enquired about
  • Your interest in receiving MyHome email newsletters
  • Correspondence between you and MyHome
  • A contact management system in which details of conversations might be written by employees
  • Encrypted credit card details
  • Your interaction with our websites

What MyHome does with your information

  • We do not make your personal information available to third parties, with the obvious exception of third party business partners such as our Franchise Partners.
  • We do provide aggregate data to third parties.
  • We will contact relevant people to communicate billing and technical issues
  • We store website data and email queued on our servers, only for use as back-up data should it be required
  • We may customise our email newsletters and communications to reflect your interest in a particular service
  • We access historic correspondence and details about earlier conversions in response to customer service issues and, to conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on MyHome
  • We store encrypted credit card details to allow us to process the subscriptions to our services
  • We monitor and store your online requests for webpages and services for research and to keep a history of your transactions with the business.

Email communications

As a customer of MyHome you will receive occasional email communications from MyHome that relate to the services we provide to you, and you will have the option to opt-out of all non-essential email and postal mail.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us: 13 22 31.

What our customers say...

“The team arrived on time worked consistently and pleasantly and did an excellent job. I can’t thank them enough.”
Rosie Bushnell

“Great job, very clean windows & no residual streaks. Back blinds are now permanently open! Thanks.”
Colin Hinrichsen

“It was great to have our windows cleaned last week. Very respectful and polite young man. Done an exceptional job and will happily use this service again in the future.”